Thread: Norse Magick
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Old 13-04-2012, 01:38 PM
WhiteWarrior WhiteWarrior is offline
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The closest I have gotten to them as yet is a short conversation with someone's spirit guide who had been sent on a commission from Asgard by Freiya. This was basically the incidence that returned my faith in a norse pantheon after some negative experiences with posers a year ago.

My first birthname means Thor's Spear. But Odin is the obvious first norse god for me since he is the god of warriors, rage, and seid/magic - three things that mean a lot to me. Eir is my second; she is more obscure but the goddess of healing and that is the focus of much of my spiritual work. If Sif is the same as Mother Earth, something I want confirmed from her own channeled mouth if that is the case, then I am already working for her daily.

I can't channel. Or speak directly with spirits at all. I can barely get a word from my spirit guide. And all my meditation has proved fruitless so far. But indirectly, through mediums, I speak with spirits almost daily.
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
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