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Old 15-11-2011, 05:25 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by rocky5778
I have been trying to do this for awhile. Can anyone give me tips? what i do is lay down on my back and brethe in and out counting in my head. usually around 100 i start to feel numb. But sometimes around 200 i lose count and end up counting from 100 like this, 200 201 102 and i keep getting mixed up. Then around that time i fall asleep. Someone please help and thanks in advance

When I was younger I remember that there were a few prerequisites for me.

I had to be extremely exhausted in my bed at night and have zero light and noises. Emphasis on the exhausted.

I would close my eyes and focus on searching out the darkest spots with my mind's eye, then I would zoom in and go into the dark spot then from that dark spot find another and repeat and repeat until it was so extremely dark. Hard to explain because I have no light in my room in the first place but...

Then once I had zoomed into the darkness enough, which focusing on this would slow down my breathing, I would be able to have extremely vivid mental pictures and once I could add enough realism to the picture it would envelop my entire vision and become real.

Yay, I just made it into a lucid dream, jumping into it definitely feels like a shift of sorts. Once there I would always start flying around, create energy balls in my hands, jump through windows and doors with glass, could never do a wall I would get stuck because I couldn't let the other side be there, I didn't create it quick enough.

I still do all of these things and way more, and I also have biiiiiig idea's... but I would love to have that exciting shift of a wild again.
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