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Old 08-04-2007, 09:24 AM
Woman Who Loves Nature
Posts: n/a
If I may be so bold as to interject a comment here... I do agree that maybe a lot of Western culture does not understand and practice the concept of seeking their Spiritualness on an individual quest for Spiritual knowledge. Although speaking for myself here, I am from the West USA and I too am one seeking the path of knowledge and feel I too am walking a spiritual path. And... I ferverently believe that we as individuals of the Divine Creation must be True unto our individual selves in our search for the ways one travels and experiences ones path or road. To be ever seeking knowledge, searching to meet that one moment that reveals itself to us in full clarity. Perhaps as some might say ,that... "Aha! I see now!" moment. Then to realize an understanding and merging with All Love to continue on in ones path of Service to Others and doing so "In Infinite Love!" The Affirmation I speak to myself daily is "I Walk In Infinite Love So That I Will Be Of the Highest and Best I Am Capable of, In Service To Others.
Love, Light, Joy and Healing To Everyone and Everything In The All that Is. WWLN