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Old 27-04-2017, 01:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Hello mgndsm,

The New Moon or sometimes called the Crescent Moon promotes new beginnings, new endeavors, and new relationships. It is a time for making positive changes, looking for fresh career opportunities, and planting seeds of ideas that will be harvested later. How to conduct these rituals depends on you. Rituals begin with a casting of a circle for protection from any negative energies or low frequency vibes that may be floating about that can interfere with your spellwork. To cast a circle is done by visually creating a circle whilst directing your energy around you with your finger, athame, or wand. Most make an outline of a circle to facilitate the process of circle casting. Then, call on each quarter to assist you while invoking the corresponding sign for each quarter with the gesture of a pentacle. Once you finish invoking all quarters, you may begin with your ritual. Don't forget to close the circle after you complete your ritual. What to use on your ritual depends on your intentions. Are you seeking for a new relationship? Job? Home? You have to keep in mind what to incorporate in your spell. Many use items that correspond with their intentions.

Blessed be,
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