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Old 10-08-2017, 04:35 PM
LibraIndigo LibraIndigo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 391
Spirit's tell truth or lies - or part truth and parts lies?

Hi so I recently talked to a chanellor.

I was curious more than anything but upon further reflection I am 100% sure he was chanelling some negative spirits of some sort in the guise of something else.

That being said it was interesting. Not that I am teetering but I can't help but think these neggies can't be 100% bad. Like there had to be some light in there somewhere... other wise they wouldn't be able to fake it so well.

Anyway I was contemplating what was told to me and I wonder how much of it might have been true.
What the motives would be for any truth at all. Just curious if anyone has any input.

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