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Old 17-12-2015, 10:46 PM
AlvinW333 AlvinW333 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 14
In our belief there is no Hell, talking about the firey pit and suuls burning in this pit forever. But if a person is realy bad, when he passes, he goes to the astral plane where there's a reformatory where he learns and reforms his state of consiousness befor he can be relised and sent back to where he commited its karma. The bad Souls you experience arnt demons but mischeft Soula that play with other to confuse them, there in there astral budy, there reajy not saposto come to the physical realm, but do at times, anyway one that experience them must me open to them some how, or invited them in one space. Most people don't have this problem there arora protects them or there spiritual guide or the armor of the Holy SPIRIT, whe. On the spirituaj path by soul travel or to camunicate to ther spiritual guide, making contact with mantras to the Holy Spirit and so on
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