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Old 15-12-2018, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Altair
Ketzer I understand you.
It's just that those ''Don't have goals, you already are'' comments can get on my nerves a bit.. but it's a matter of semantics. Late 2000s I had amazing experiences and it made me over-confident and complacent. This was a BIG mistake. Our spiritual road continues on, doesn't end unless one would be ''enlightened'', until then we continue gathering and burning karma and try to increase connection to 'God'. Naturally the mind will create 'goals' and 'purpose' and along the path this is useful. We've been granted a mind and it needs direction.

Yes, well that is quite understandable. It is like telling someone not to think of an elephant. The human experience seems to have desires and goals baked into it. And hearing that everything you need to be, you already are, is no comfort to those who do not see it (myself, and perhaps all human beings, included). We can desire to have no desire, and set a goal to have no goal, but we only fool and fight with ourselves. Yet, to seek something we must know what it is we are looking for, and believe that what we are looking for exists. If we believe what we are looking for is far off, then we may only look to the horizon, and miss that which is at our feet, or even all around us.

I suppose I will continue to desire for things I do not have, and make goals and strive to reach them, as that is my human nature. But along the journey, I think I should also strive to notice that which is going by, as it may have more to give then the attainment of any far distant theoretical goal. It may have more to teach me about myself then I realize. Maybe the real value in the goal is that it gets me motivated to make the journey in the first place. Perhaps the experience of life itself is the treasure, just laid out along the path, like a trail of bread crumbs at our feet, instead of in a pot at the end of a rainbow.

Journeys are funny things, we fool ourselves into believing we are going through someplace "out there", yet we know that the only place we can ever be is within ourselves. No matter how far we travel, that is the only place we will ever be. The only place we can seek to find something is within ourselves.

Last edited by ketzer : 15-12-2018 at 10:59 AM.
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