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Old 28-04-2020, 08:26 PM
Posts: n/a
It sounds good but doesn't make too much sense to me. Too many factoids and assumptions presented as if established facts.

You'd have a problem demonstrating "All sensations arise out of nothing and returns to nothing! Let us call it the source! The sensory fields arise from it and dissolve(in an instant or fade out gradually) into this." So the source is nothing? Ok....

What did you mean by quantum incarnation?

Much of it comes across as "what if" ramblings but if you believe solipsism I respect your views - they are perfectly valid for you. I can't personally agree that your proposition describes or defines the human mind. Perhaps there's more but you felt you had to bound your post to a readable amount.

Coming from the neuroscience angle my views are a tad different. Still interested though. Always a chance of reconciliation.