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Old 24-07-2018, 10:24 PM
Compendium Compendium is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
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Posts: 374
My entire family was gifted, but none of them developed it. They simply listened when it struck. Now I am married to a gifted husband and we have gifted kids. SMH. The house I lived in when we first got married was very active so I had a crash course so to speak. I would see full figure human shadows walking around my yard and coming into my house when the door was open. My dog saw it too thank goodness because I thought I was losing my mind it was the first time I had ever seen spirits. That house is also where I learned some spirits can effect our plane in a physical way. I had a witch come into the bathroom and write a symbol on the mirror in wax while I was showering. It was the symbol for the letter U. I still dont know how I knew it was a witch and no matter how many times I tried or what I used I could not wash it off.
Remember: This life is only temporary so make the most of it
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