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Old 23-02-2012, 03:43 PM
Tea Break
Posts: n/a

I agree that Angels (in Spirit, only) do not have freewill, Occultist, and that's where we and they differ. They don't have the problems of the incarnated human being "Earth Angel" in that we try to deal with our own ego-issues (all part of being a human being!) while we help, in an ideally non-judgemental way.

I accept Angels-in-Spirit as the workforce of God so-to-speak, their task is to help and support us. We on this planet are actually children of God - though it takes lifetimes for us to "remember" ourselves, and the gifts we have. The Angels are available to us to help, guide and protect as this occurs.
To my mind this earns them the right to a lot of love and respect from us. In their way they are "above" us (they already have the patience and dispassion and lack of ego that a really good Earth Angel needs) but they take their place as our supporters, and we learn from them.

Through the provision of Angels - our Father/Mother God expresses the Love we are each one held in while we grow.

Angels Blessings to All
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