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Old 23-01-2011, 06:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Thank you so much sharing The Divine. I totally believe you, I've experienced things like that, for example a lid off of a plastic bottle would drop on the floor by accident and I would search under everything looking for it, never to find it, and I too used to find pennies everywhere. Not all of the time but here and there. Never thought too much about it till now but it is peculiar.

My mum has seen phenomena with me but like your mum remains a sceptic to some of the experiences I have had. No doubt when I tell her about the latest disappearing object she will assume I was stressed and mislayed it. I've searched everywhere for it, even tried calling out for it to be returned. I do believe there are vortexes in our house.

To cut a long story short, one time I heard a trapped bird coming from our downstairs wall cavity. The next thing I know I'm hearing wings upstairs in the main bedroom where I find a bird perched on the windowcil trying to peck the glass to get out. The window wasn't open enough for it to fly in. Plus it happened just as I was about to cause myself a nasty injury or worse, so in a way could have saved my life.

Sometimes I feel I'm missing the message behind these experiences, that's if there is a message in the first place.

Thanks again for your stories, it reminded me of things which have happened to me which I've often dismissed.

Bestest wishes

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