Thread: Hi Sweetie!
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Old 04-01-2020, 03:15 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
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not being
too fanciful
right now

didn't expect
more than was there

well anyway
I don't talk about certain things
any more

but regardless
I'm having a good time with the things
that I've loved to do
since I met you

all this talk of celebrities
has me bored

one I was with in another time
but she was about a bit this one
as another person
than as her celebrity self
I just figure
she is like a memory

which I suppose is ok
since everyone says
she is a floozy anyway?

Not that I wouild know...

another came literally
marching into my dreams
when my last flame
for a me

and stuck around a while

and the third I've had no contact with
just a name
on a big silver screen.

I think
there are
Too many things
I've gotten too lame about
with fanciful thoughts
but it doesn't really matter any more.

and then there is you

I suppose
I should disbelieve
this 'second coming'
as just another farce

but I'm having fun
not taking it
too seriously

Trips to the forest aside...
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