Thread: A lucid moment
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Old 18-02-2016, 05:21 PM
Pleroo Pleroo is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 140
Originally Posted by Black Sheep
Makes sense, I'm actually fond of that generation(and the two prior, it was fun hearing stories of electricity being new, the end of science, etc.). I've experienced similar lucid dreams, where I'm not sure if that was an actual met the family member who had passed or just my subconscious is conjuring up scenarios or messages. Though for some that passed, it didn't seem they were fairing well, if it was them in actuality, but I figured they'd be okay eventually.

I make that same assumption. If there is a life beyond this, surely anyone who IS faring well there, would be working to see that others come to that same state. I assume an "all for one", "no wo/man left behind" mentality would prevail.

I'm open to the possibility too that someone who has passed might be able to communicate through dreams, but found it easier to accept conceptually or not dismiss so readily, if they come just before passing and send a message, than say afterwards.

I'd be interested in knowing what brought you to that conclusion, if you don't mind sharing.

Whether it's your subconscious or father, I do think the possibility of a visit during a LD great, and find the message you got to be absolutely wonderful!

Yep ... I'm grateful to whomever sent me that message, even if it was just me.
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