Thread: A lucid moment
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Old 15-02-2016, 06:50 PM
Pleroo Pleroo is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 140
A lucid moment

I don't lucid dream very often, and I haven't made much of an effort to. But last night, I had a sort of lucid moment. In my dream, I was in the garage of my childhood home and I saw my father. (In real life, he has recently passed away.) And suddenly, I became semi-lucid. I thought, oh this must be a dream. And I was glad because I always am happy to see my dad in my dreams, although it doesn't happen very often. So, I tried to talk to him, to ask him a question, but he suddenly became a brilliant point of light and began to fly slowly away. I was upset that he was leaving but then remembered I was lucid and realized I could fly after him. I started to float up and toward the open entrance when suddenly the door began to close me into darkness. I guess I lost the lucidity then, perhaps because I was distraught about being closed off from him. I had so much wanted to ask him about if he is experiencing love, and what it's like for him. But I couldn't get beyond the door. Wish I could have held my awareness at least just a little longer.

But, I do recall thinking after the door closed in my dream that I really had my answer even though I didn't get to ask, because I remembered a brief flash of insight I had had when my father became a light which hadn't consciously registered in the moment. It was, "He isn't experiencing love; he IS love." Wishful thinking, perhaps, but it was an uplifting dream, nonetheless, and rather unusual for me to have a sort of "spiritual" dream.
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