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Old 06-05-2017, 08:21 PM
Mused Mused is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 561
i saw a documentary from the 70s or 80s. somewhere in some east asian country, one of the populations there have this custom of marrying a woman to more than one man.
in one case, one woman married 2 (or was it 3 or 4?) brothers. but this is the thing: the men were related by blood. and they have to be related by blood. after a few years, the husbands found another woman to marry - this was good, because their wife was doing everything by herself [cooking, washing, cleaning, and other chores] and having another woman in their family meant splitting the chores, and making things easier..

i believe it was done because their population was small in numbers, and they didnt want the blood from other populations mixed in. i also think they didnt have enough women born to marry to each man.

of course, this was very weird to see, for my western eyes..

so, in theory women can marry more men.. should it be done? i don't really think so, not in our western society where women are still objectified and mistreated.
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