Thread: Simple Question
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Old 08-09-2011, 04:01 AM
jorddy jorddy is offline
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most definitely :)
To be completely conscious is to be completely aware of the energy and atmosphere of the world around you. There are two different ways of seeing this world. Through reaction (which is through your mind, and your body which reflects your mind) and through complete awareness (which is called your consciousness).
The mind is a tool in which we use / are given in order to grow from. It provides us with reaction, which allows us to react to this world -> grow from different obstacles put in our path (which is just an illusion that our mind makes). The mind relates time as past and future (not present). It remembers the past, and pushes those memories onto the future, what reactions you want to make in order to fulfill your future.
Your consciousness is first (which is most important) always your first vehicle. No matter what you do, you will always be somewhat conscious of now (in a normal state of mind - no drugs / anything involved). This consciousness is our mainframe, its what allows us to sense now.
That all being said, your mind and body is a tool meant to be used, not abused (which is what we do this time and age). You use it to reach an outcome that you calculated from the past, put forth into the future. - It is most definitely an important tool that us as humans are lucky to be able to completely use.
The thing we do in this culture though, is abuse our mind, use it in every instance from the time we wake up till the time we pass out, forgetting about the natural flow of this world, keeping our minds in the past, therefore the future. - which effects us negatively in many different ways, such as anxiety, fear, unhappiness ect.
To enter complete consciousness takes time because it involves the process of shutting down your mind / body and becoming engulfed by the world around you.
To be complete conscious is to forget about everything that deals with time and process.
Ways that help me reach closer to my consciousness is making sure i don't bring time into my head, that i don't think at all about anything. I let the world's energy course through my blood like a vessel, like a root plugged into the beautiful dirt of life.
To become conscious forget about everything, including yourself, you don't force any feelings, instead let them rush in. Consciousness means to be connected to NOW, the only time that truthfully exists. When your in the NOW your mind is not involved, the only thing involved is spirit - including the highest vibes and energies ever felt (least by me)

Of course these are my thought, I hope you understand and .. I wish you a lovely journey to consciousness :)
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