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Old 07-05-2016, 11:01 PM
Ginsune Ginsune is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 63
The tf connection exists from the start. It does literally mean a soul split in two. Do you think your own soul won't know itself?

The level of awareness depends on the person.

I can't speak for others, and don't entirely get the eye contact thing seeing as almost every twin flame experience is said to unbalanced and involve a chaser / runner phase, however, I was aware of the fact someone was out there for years.

I have encountered many soul mates over the years - my brother is my soul mate (we are so in sync that we can literally finish one another's sentence or begin talking at the exact same time, however, we're not twins) and a close friend of mine is a soul mate for it was just an instant click with us & even after 12 years absence due to moving / work we started back & forth on FB two years ago as if those years of separation never existed - and none of them roused the niggling awareness as this connection did.

I met my partner about seven years ago at a family gathering. He was a friend of the family. Now I am an easy going people person, however, I stand back and observe people [even relatives] before deciding they are worth the effort of talking with / dealing with. But my brother jokes to this day if I had been a dog, my tail would have been wagging the moment this chap walked through the door. Forgot the typical sit back & observe people, we were instantly talking & at ease in one another's presence. We are also very alike [a defining tf feature] - both once had issues with fathers, both are artists, both put other people well ahead of ourselves, both of us had little success with dating [the desired partner was not to be found among the masses], both are forceful & well educated about the world, etc.

I ran, he chased. Work has gotten in the way & we've danced around one another a few times over the years, however, those "down times" almost always end up the same. Rest & relaxation.
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