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Old 09-10-2011, 08:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by PanBaccha
I have always known when the passing of my sons,
quiet healthy, would occur. It was something I didn't
want to know but was made aware for quite some time.
I knew when my 4 yr old son would pass; my 17 yr old
son, and my older son recently in a motorcycle accident.
All three were correct. It is not something I like knowing.

As for myself I always knew that I, too, will pass in 2016.
In the meantime I will continue enjoying life and contributing
to it and its inhabitants, and continue playing basketball, my
pasttime addiction.

Oh you poor poor soul, how truly awful for you im so sorry to hear of all your loss's, knowing these things must be a living hell, i would be inconsolable if i knew that any of my children were going to die and when. Ive never read anything quite so sad as this and know that nothing will ease your pain, thankyou for sharing your story x
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