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Old 30-08-2014, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by anthony c
This is very interesting wowwww!!!!
Is there really Technology??like what computers and laptop??lolll
What about reincarnation?
Is there a heaven and hell?

I would say that there is not one thing on earth that isn't on the other side, as I believe everything here represents something there either in a good way or an evil way...As far as technology, I don't think man can ever out do our Creator as He's the One who gives man insight, so who knows...All of the beauty of nature is even more beautiful in Heaven, because our world is just a prototype or correspondence of everything that exists either in Heaven or Hell...Think of the best of sights and beauty:sparkling waters, and the beauty of earth magnified X a million...Peaceful beautiful animals, birds, fruit trees...Also, picture the opposite: stagnant waters, mires, swamps, snakes, spiders, bats, owls, biting insects, vicious animals representing the viciousness within man...Even during our life in this world, most of the time evil gravitates to evil, and good gravitates to good...The good don't wish to hear filthy language, gossip, or be around liars and thieves, or adulterers, etc...They choose to be around people of character who are honest, have a sense of modesty, honor, good conduct.,...Well, it's the same in the afterlife...The evil choose to be where they are the most comfortable, maybe even head for their first fix, or drink, robbery, house of prostitution...You get the picture...HalleluYAH
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