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Old 23-06-2012, 04:00 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
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I didn't actually read the channeling because of the warning you gave. However, I have some thoughts about it all, if you are interested, that might put some of it in perspective. It is like you already have the answer, but are not looking at it in the same light. Bear with me, because I think you will like this answer and it will be, AH HA moment for you. And I feel your fear of these negative beings that you channeled, so I am not trying to change your mind about you channeling, just the general concept of why some are from the light and some are not. And if you ever choose to channel the light, you absolutely could, if you got that much information from a lower entity. (And I am not judging the channeling, because I have not read it - just seems like it was a long channeling).

When I first learned to channel, I had a lot of help. I personally know 2 channelers who have channeled for me, and that was a lot of fun. When I wanted to see if I could learn to channel, which they both told me I could do, I started reading the book, "Opening to Channel" by Sanaya Roman. Starting on page 35 is a beautiful dissertation on where the guides come from and why, in which he explains that "Your guides chooses you to work with because of a similarity of goals and purposes. High Level Guides have your higher purpose as their main concern.

Here's the part I wanted share with you about being careful when you channel regarding High Level Guides and recognizing entities that are less evolved .
“How do you recognize entities who are less-evolved? Some of them love to give predictions of adisastrous nature, and enjoy the heightened emotions such as fright that theycan stir up in people. Their predictionsare not made to assist people or given with a higher purpose in mind. Theirmessages may falsely build up people’s egos by telling them they are going tobe rich or famous when that is clearly not part of their path. You will know if you are connected with alower guide. You will feel scared,powerless, depressed, or worried about your life after they have given youadvice.” There is another page ofinformation on these beings, then some advise. “Guides will speak through you only with your permission. We recommend that you never bring thesebeings into your body or verbally channel them. You will know them because their vibration and feeling are not high. You will feel heavy or even resistant tothem. They will not take you overbecause the earth realm is very difficult for them to penetrate. You are the one in control of thisreality. Your curiosity, yourwillingness to play with them or humor them will keep them around. Be firm and sever the link. Guides will not deceive you if you ask themwhere they are from. If you ask them ifthey are from the light they will not say “yes” if they aren’t. Ask for a high guide and one will bethere. A high-level guide will help youfeel more compassion for yourself and others. If entities other than high and loving guides want to talk through you,simply tell them “no” firmly and clearly. As you channel your guide, you will know what he or she feels like. It will be impossible for another being tofool you. A high-level guide will feeluplifting, loving and wonderful. Youwill experience a sense of well-being. If in any way you feel depressed,sad, or angry, then you are not with a high-level guide. Ask that guide to leave and request a higherguide. Everyone has a personal guide whois with them for a lifetime, often referred to as a guardian angel. Sometimes there are several guides helpingyou, particularly if you are at a major turning point in your life.”

So, I hoped this clarified what I feel happened. You didn’t know to ask if this guide was ahigh level guide. I personally alwayssurround myself with a bubble of the white light of the holy spirit before Ichannel anything, and I always ask for a higher guide before I start. That way, I don’t have to worry that theinformation I am getting. And the informationI get FEELS so good. I can feel theenergy, and it is a warm, loving energy.

So, you are right on both counts. You most likely channeled a lower levelentity that was messing with you and thought it was fun to frighten you, andyou have also come to the realization that you have to lift yourself up to thehigher realms.

I hope this makes you feel better. You can connect with YOUR guides, and notever have to worry again that you will connect with these entities, because itis all about your intent, and it is easy to do and only takes a second to putyour intent out there, then the lower level entities cannot connect with you.

You have free will and you have a choice. You get to choose what level of guide you channel, not them.

P.S. Sorry the words run together. It's my Microsoft Word version I am using, and I copy and paste and then put spaces between, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
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