Thread: Crossing over
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Old 16-05-2016, 04:20 PM
smilingsun smilingsun is offline
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Originally Posted by vespa68
No one can help this young man until he faces himself and his life and goes within. Guides will not help him until he helps himself. No one will just hold a magic wand and get rid of all negative aspects, etc.. that is not how it works in 3d or beyond. Most mediums do not understand this crucial part. No one just sees any truth/ light automatically. It has to be worked on just like here. There is no soul fragmens, only the ego which still stays and must be confronted. There is no difference with here on our side except he no longer has his physical body, no one can see him so he does no know who he is anymore. He needs to find his true self. This is what truly going to the light means.

From what i've learn, a dead soul have free will like a physical person yet they often need help from us to go to the light. I think it's after having come to the light that the dead soul can face himself and his life. Often dead souls who can't go to the light by themselves do not have enough real spiritual understanding and are often afraid because of old religious concepts like "purgatory" or are the souls of strong atheist who don't believe in an life after death.
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