Thread: Cats
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Old 11-06-2020, 07:12 AM
LilyTeal16 LilyTeal16 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 53
Hello, I have always had a great love and fascination for cats both wild and domestic. They are so beautiful, so sweet and innocent. I have been around cats since childhood, they are babies that never grow up. For some reason there have been cats that have come to me and I've always wondered why? To hear their meow and their purr. To feel their beautiful, soft coat and how they like to rub against your legs. But that's only when a cat wants something, preferably when they are hungry. I think a cat in his or her mind is actually the boss, cats love an audience. They love to be petted and to be talked to.
Has anyone ever noticed when you look at a cat and they blink their beautiful eyes at you? The cat is very observant, smart as well as territorial also.
Their hearts are full of love, I've noticed that when a cat is sitting down they seem to have a little bit of a sway movement. Cats make me laugh and smile and provide a lot of joy. But they can be very demanding and worrisome. They tend to sleep a lot, I've noticed that cats do not fully sleep. It doesn't take much for a cat to wake up. Cats can be very timid, shy and some can scare very easily. I guess that is where the term came from, "Scaredy Cat" or "Fraidy Cat"! They can lie down in so many different poses. Cats are very quiet but they can be quick with those reflexes. Cats are God's creations both great and small. There was a time that the cat was worshiped as if they were Kings and Queens and/or Gods and Goddesses. I have heard that the cat originally came from Egypt but then I also heard that they came from India. So I am not quite sure about their origin, does anyone here know for a fact where did the cat originally come from? My heart goes out to all cats, I feel so sorry for them. I do not like to see or hear about cats or any animals that are being abused and neglected. I wish I could save them all and I know that is just not possible. They are helpless and there is only so much cats can do to take care of themselves and their young. They need us just as much as we need them. When an animal is hurt, they cry, they whimper. And when they bleed their blood is just as red as ours. All they want is love and to be loved. They also want and need to be taken care of, there are people in our world that do love animals. They love their pets but sadly there are people that are cold and heartless. They choose to inflict pain and rejection instead. I have a beautiful, black cat, her name is Sunny and to me she is a little, miniature panther. Her coat is like black velvet. She is a beautiful, precious soul. She's just a little girl, she lost her cat mom quite sometime ago. Her cat mommy passed away so Sunny became apart of our family. She came to us when she was 9 years old and now she is 14. Please everyone out there that reads this, all of us need to continue to love our pets, all of the cats whether they are wild or domestic. God bless all creatures great and small. Have a good night and be well.


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