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Old 12-06-2019, 10:24 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by Untersberg56
Physicists at CERN, Geneva are certain that the true Number of the Beast is not 666 but 616, taken from a 3rd century papyrus c.235-275 AD at the Ashmolean Museum. They claim that substituting this number in their mathematical work on the Large Hadron Collider has "opened the dimensional doors" and they are now "expecting something to come through them."

crud the secret is out. Now I suppose I;ll have to put up with whoever does the synchronicities throwing it around more often sigh.

BTW doesn't the change to 666 classify as having changed a jottle of the text, which supposedly had specific consequences for whoever chose to do it? either that or these cern guys are getting THEMSELVES in trouble here... but anyway why are they silly enough to believe that whatever comes through their dimensional door isn't going to eat them?
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