Thread: Outdated?
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Old 25-04-2019, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Moonglow
Hi Greenslade,

Spirit to me is no different for humans then it is for any other life form here, as I see it. So, why all the concern, debates, discussions, idealogies, and the like, about it?

Humans have the ability to intellectualise The ability to project ideas about what is, was, and can be. Do other creatures do this?

In a way the idea that there is an after life and perhaps knowing for some plays into survival, IMO Meaning, that we go on after this life. This is not all for nothing/meaningless. A way to send off and honor those that depart from here. In these ways we survive/go on after this life.

Yes can agree one does not experience dying, unless one is dying. One can be a witness to another going through it and through this perhaps understand more about our resilience and frailty. Through seeing the body that is left behind see for oneself that there is more that makes up life. Just how I feel it to be.

Yes, agree I attempt to bring it down to Earth (so to speak). Explore what it is in relationship to being Human. That Spirit is with in and without and Humans are as much part of the unfolding and journey as that which may take other forms.

Perhaps it is our own development and some may say evolution as Humans that is experienced. It seems these are what is explored and seem discussed in many ways.

If of Spirit, then would this not imply Spirit is experiencing this as well, just on wider scale. Meaning, Human being of individual, then expanding into group. Spirit being of group, then contracting to individual. How I can word my thinking at present.

If it is just conscious being, then is not all adding and of this?

Yes, at times gotta "suck it up buttercup",lol. Get through it as best one can. Which is very human indeed and can lead to some very deep insights and revelations.

Agree, Spirit is life and being human is a part of this. There is no line between the two except the ones created in our own minds. In this will create ways of seeing it according to how and what one relates to and (dare say) believes.

Thank you for your insights and thoughts. I enjoy them.
Hi Moonglow

A few years ago someone asked me on this forum, "Is it not enough to simply exist?" Animals do. And prior to Adam and Eve being hoofed out of the Garden of Eden they did the same - they simply existed. Intellectualising is what brought us here in the first place, so perhaps we have it badly wrong. And they tend to live more completely in The Now.

As you know I've had a couple of near misses that could have led to me being put in a box by now, because becoming biodegradable is illegal. It takes so little to end it all, driving a car one moment then literally moments later a miracle means walking away from it. Or trapped wind puts so much pressure on the heart that it becomes life-threatening. That is a sign of my frailty but there are others who are much more frail than I. Yet after that and a few more traumas here I am still, which is testimony to my resilience. What we don't do sometimes is express ourselves in ways that express and acknowledge of our experiences of Life and how we move through it, we'd much rather flit around the subject and allude to ideologies and theologies rather than our own experiences and emotions. After all, emotions are demons, aren't they?

Everything is interconnected - our emotions, our humanity, our divinity..... What is human and what is Spirit but perhaps the most telling of all is what are the reasons it's either 'this' or 'that'? It is because of the relationships that Source/Spirit can understand itself more fully, because in a dimension of form it can see itself as being this and not being that. I believe this, you believe that and all the while Spirit sits there and thinks "OK, that's interesting" because all consciousness is consciousness just the same. It doesn't need brining down to earth because it's here already.

If we are going to evolve and develop then perhaps realising what is emergent is our own Spirit firstly as humans, the human Spirit that endures somehow and doesn't succumb to the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." Being the epitome of ideologies is fine in Spirit because that's all there is, but when 'real Life' has to be endured and that Spirit comes at often great cost, what then? In Spirituality this is what's forgotten about, we've forgotten that we have endured and come through this, and we are still here to tell the take. Perhaps instead of telling each other about ideologies we could acknowledge who and what we are for s change instead of avoiding it.

What is the Spirituality beyond Spirituality? Beyond the ideologies and theologies, what lies there? Many years ago there would have been Spirituality of some description because the inner Spirituality that became religion came from humans, not God. It wasn't until people came together as a group that the human influences steered inner Spirituality towards a religious and ritualistic Spirituality. While some would say that Spirituality comes from religion and religious practices, if it wasn't there in the first place it couldn't have been emergent. If you don't have Spirituality in the first place it can't suddenly appear from nowhere. If that's the case, what does that mean?

Religion is outdated because ritualistic practices don't fit into today's Lifestyles any more but Spiritual development and evolution do take place. What people find in Spirituality - and I don't mean the ideologies and theologies - can be just as easily elsewhere. And without all the layers that Spirituality dresses itself in. What has becomee outdated is the mindset that Spiritual people cling to.
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