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Old 10-01-2020, 01:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
My parents haven't really failed me, especially my mother who made sure I'd have enough money to at least take care of myself. They aren't bad people in the long run. I'm just saying that deciding to have a spawn under any circumstances is purely a selfish motive. There is stuff going on that's beyond their control, which itself is also a risk when having kids. There are fates more miserable than death. You don't necessarily have to be dead to experience hell, as it is a state of being.

Believe what you want. I, on the other hand, am quite confident that I did not choose any of this nonsense. Rather, I'm more inclined to believe I was forced or blackmailed into this life. Hypothetically speaking, if what you say is true, then I can't wait to meet this so-called discarnate teacher again. In fact, I've already rehearsed everything I want to say and do to them, and I can quite assure you it won't be a pretty sight.

I've tried to address your issues point-by-point but your are very angry so I'll leave things at that before we fall out with each another. good luck
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