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Old 08-01-2018, 05:21 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Location: West Wales. u.k
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Originally Posted by swampgrl
I've arrived at the same description as this again and again, Iamit, though it still has an element of duality as a whole.

In my experience, nonduality has a compellingly elusive quality within the construct of duality. This is not an inherent quality but one found within the principle of consciousness.

Duality seems to behave like a playground of nonduality where it plays a perpetual game of "catch me if you can" with itself. Where else could it play such a game but within such a construct?

A shell game, if you will, where the 'player' is always wrong (and right) when compelled to choose which shell. Elusive once again as consciousness screams out, "which one is it, am I right or am I wrong?"

(these are but bits and pieces I've pick up along my travels. Are they useful? Maybe the bits and pieces are part of a scavenger hunt I'm on that I forgot I signed up for )

Describe the element of duality you are referring to?
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