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Old 16-06-2019, 05:22 PM
HSmith123 HSmith123 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 127
Originally Posted by Colorado
Yes, I was aware of one past life..
But when I did a past life brought me to another.

I wasn't even interested in that second one...but it was interesting in hindsight, because it brought up old past life memories I had as a toddler, that I had forgotten about. However, it would be very important later in my life. The first one, was what I was dealing with initially...and wanted to access.

I've noticed, that what we are currently dealing with, and struggles we face that require our attention parallel in many ways to a past life.

I'll go to the second life, to answer your question.
Before I knew about my uncle in Vietnam, before I had dreams and images of my PL from the civil war....I did this last life regression, hoping to see the first one, actually.

The first thing I saw, was me on the second floor of an old farm house. The floors were wooden, and I was in a bedroom. Their was 3 women in there with me, presumably relatives, chatting.

They were talking, and helping me fix my uniform. I could feel I was young, approximately 18-19 years old. One if them looked out the window, and said "they are coming"

Then the other looked, and all three of them started to leave the room to go downstairs.

I went over to the window to look out...and seen our guest were arriving. All kinds of different people, kids, ECT.

At this point, I knew it was a gathering, party, cookout...get together, most likely for me and my departure.

I went over to an oval mirror, and took one last look, to make sure I was presentable, and we'll put together.

It was then, I saw myself...Wearing a tan Civil War uniform, brand new. I saw myself as a young man...Sandy hair, and somewhat similar to what I look like in this life...but a male, with very short hair.

As soon as I took in, what I was looking at... myself....The scene paused, like a video recorder pausing....and it stood still, etched in time, like a black and white picture..

The scene stopped, and my last my reflection in the mirror.

I was about 28, when I had this regression of this life.

I wasn't interested in it then...nor did I really care to go further at that time. I was bummed that it wasn't the past life I was looking for....a female, which committed suicide.

However, at approximately the age of 37....That past life regression became huge, infact...I was not consciously aware, that I had issues from that life, that were getting ready to come out full force. It was then, out if the blue ..a guide, or someone...was leading me in dreams, and took me back to the day of my funeral...and was trying to get me to go up to my own casket, and to see....we were standing in a field, and I could see the horses carrying a casket in a flatbed, with the town's people walking behind it. Nobody told me it was mine at that time...The guide said, you need to get need to see need to look.

I said no, as panick set in, I knew then, was me, and that was my funeral procession heading to the cemetery. Then the scene was over.

What triggered this...was I had moved out of state, and at my job...I met a young man, who we were both drawn in a weird way, together...he looked so familiar, he felt familiar, he was about 10 years younger than me...who would not leave me alone, I didn't understand his behavior towards me, it was obsessive, he would get mad, did everything to get my attention, including watching me at work...and loads of other stuff. I felt drawn to him...but put up a wall and boundaries.

Only to find out in dreams, that he was my girlfriend in that life.
He was very traumatized in that life, and he was at my funeral.
In that life, he was only a few years younger.
.but I saw myself, pick her up...and put her on my horse in her dress...and take her for rides.

I saw how, after my death...I was briefly with her the night after my her room. I watched her cry, and I saw her talking to a star? And she wished to see me again....

And she did. I moved 22 hours from home, and got a job with her in another state...and it was him. I found out, that he had just moved out there too...and is originally from my hometown area!!! We had both moved 22 hours out west, 6 months apart...and ended up at the same location, and job.


All this did not happen in one past life regression, it happened over started with the regression, went doormat, then came back and unfolded, over a span of 9 years, in different ways.
Wow that’s amazing and romantic in the end :) <3
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