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Old 14-07-2017, 01:50 PM
Bindu* Bindu* is offline
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I had a dream this night where I was hanging out with acharya David Frawley. He is the partner of yogini. And a schoolar of the vedic science.
Don't know what that means ? But today checking his tweets:

"India scientists discover new supercluster of galaxies, call it Saraswati. As mother of Vedas, She is cosmic sound.

Saraswati is the shakti godess of wisdom and teachings.
Having a dream haning around this wise teacher seems to symbolise for me a phase of my sadhana where I am able to synthesise and incorporate some core teachings more in my life.

His wife/partner yogini shambavi did publicate this on her fb today. Quite nice words with a personal message to her from her Guru sivanandamurti a shaivite guru who died last year.
Keeping Alive the Lamp of Guru-Tattva and Guru-Jnana

In all dharmic traditions the ritual of lighting the lamp is sacrosanct. The ghee lamp is an offering representing the elements or cosmic principles, where the earthen diya lamp is a manifestation of Mother Earth, the ghee represents fire, the smoke represents the air, the sweet essence of the burning ghee manifests as ether, and the colours of the flame represent our Maya. Yet the wick manifests as jnana or wisdom in its ability to illumine.

This wick in the diya is most important in understanding the Shakti of Light. The wick needs to be nurtured or else the light extinguishes. One is taught by the preceptor to nurture, comprehend, experience and realize this knowledge, which means that we cannot light the lamp in the heart without great care, respect, consideration and deep serenity.

This inner light only burns in stillness and harmony. If the winds of our outer mind, senses and emotions are blowing strong, that light will quickly go out, if we can light it at all.

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshvara
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Shree Gurave Namah

A beautiful message from revered Sadguru Sivanandamurty…..though addressed personally this message relates to the entire universe!

"My Dear Sri Vamadevaji and Shambhaviji,
One more Gurupoornima has arrived and passed in our lives.
We may have hundred saampradaya gurus but all of us have only one real ultimate Guru Shiva, the ultimate destination of all creation.
May all of us see his Light in ourselves and be absorbed in that Light, enough of this tasteless existence. I add my own prayers to those of yours for that finale.
My love and good wishes to you both.
Sivananda Murty"
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