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Old 02-05-2017, 02:19 PM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 387
I've been reading a bit about fermented foods and the effects of antibiotics and probiotics, and I think that is a large part of the problem regarding all the digestive issues that humans seem to have. I read that even one course of antibiotics from the doctor can take years to rebuild the digestive biosphere and if you're eating meat, well, you're just adding to the problem on a daily basis. At least here in N. America where most of the antibiotics produced are fed directly to animals.

There is a disorder called PANDA's and the existence of a large population of one kind of bacteria can actually cause a kind of mental disease in children that can ruin their lives. Another issue with the wrong kinds of bacteria is that they can short circuit the messages between stomach and brain and cause a person to think that they are still hungry so that they continue eating even when they've had a good meal! Interesting eh?

And apparently, the advice to eat yogurt after you are done with your antibiotics is almost too little, too late because the good 'bugs' are largely killed off in the pasteurization. That's one of the reasons that I've been learning to ferment veggies.

Several websites devoted to it have said that the bacteria growing in that acidic environment can survive the acids in the stomach far better than those received in pill form from a probiotic and if you're making it at home, it isn't pasteurized so the results are better if you do a comparison between probiotics, yogurt and home made sauerkrauts.
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