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Old 11-05-2015, 09:05 AM
Shaunc Shaunc is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 765
Originally Posted by celest
I agree with you 100% that Jesus was a Buddha, as for Mary & Kuan Yin....I hadn't really thought about that but it's interesting, I must delve into that more, thanks. I had thought about them both being incarnations but still haven't made my mind up yet Enlightenment seems to have been a teaching very important to each of them, so it's possible they are either incarnations or Jesus studied Buddhism which I find highly likely. Food for thought all of it.

There's a book called the "missing years of Jesus ". I don't know who wrote it & I haven't read it. But I've heard that it claims that Jesus studied buddhism somewhere between the ages of 12 & 30. Jesus life is not covered in the bible between these years so it is a real possibility.
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