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Old 23-03-2019, 04:43 PM
Uma Uma is offline
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If you write a list of times when you are not working or childminding you will find plenty of time to meditate. It may mean sacrificing time spent doing other things that just kill time - like browsing internet or watching films.

Meditating while doing reiki is a great idea.

The more you try to observe your thoughts during all the routine things you do during the day, the easier and longer your meditation times will be.

A tip from my Teacher, Sri Vasudeva
When you become involved in the world every day using the thinking mind, always thinking, the mind becomes habituated to thinking so that when you sit down and you need some peace, the mind continues to think.

A very powerful example is if you were to pull the electrical plug from a fan while it is spinning, the fan will continue to spin. It will not stop immediately because of the momentum. It carries a force and when you pull out the plug and the electricity is no longer there, the fan continues to spin and spin for a little while especially if it is a heavy fan. That is what happens to your mind. If you are thinking all day and you sit down for a few minutes of peace, the mind is not just going to stop. The mind is going to continue to think.

The secret is if you think during the day from a space of peace, not ever losing the awareness of that peace, that peace stays with you. And when you come to a quiet moment, that is the peace that fills your being.

I know it is tough to do in the busyness of every day life but this is the practice that's going to bring results - also doing check ins whenever you have a "coffee break" or at red light stops in traffic.
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