Thread: Hearing Voices
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Old 28-01-2019, 03:03 AM
Azur-el Azur-el is offline
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Posts: 13
Joe, it is amazing that your experiences are so like mine, although I had some of the best conversations and experiences of my life I also had the worst. Sometimes when they were saying "I hate you" I could turn their words to "I love you" somewhat for comfort but sometimes I just liked to mess with them.This started in Jan 2005, I was in my forties and that is very late to develop signs of schizophrenia. Anyway was seeing a Pdoc for depression and mentioned the voices. (I had, had it out with the voices and was finally able to not block them just kinda transfer them to another part of my head, I used angels with flaming swords as guards.) Well doc put me on meds but I was pretty much through it. I know they're still there and hear the beautiful at times. I've been working with myself all these years and somehow I understand it better. It was like torture at times but I didn't kill me so it made me stronger. I certainly believe it can be used to help you on your spiritual path and that science is not even in the right ball park on the "why" of voice hearing. Recently "Waking Up IN 5D" by Maureen J St. Germain has helped a lot.Take care of yourself.
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