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Old 07-12-2018, 01:30 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Time, doesn't exist...only on Earth we keep time...and that depends on the physical body, events and other ways we measure time.

Age depends on spiritual growth. Energy doesn't age.

When you are energy/light...your existence is by vibrational wavelengths. That is how energy travels and is transferred.

Depending on the wavelength( or for religious purposes, levels of heaven/ hell, higher or lower frequencies) is how time is measured there.

Time seems to go slower, spiritually, when you are on lower frequencies, or faster on higher frequencies...but in actuality, everything is simultaneously running on different wavelengths/dimensions...the past, present and future.

Time is more measured by the vibrational wavelengths of the soul....more like filling up a glass of water....instead looking at a calendar/clock.

But energy doesn't age, it just expands higher in frequency.

Many times, because of the different planes between earth(very low frequency) and spiritual planes (higher frequencies) we miss the signs or visitations because of the density of our reality.

We are also looking for different signs, than the energy world is giving us in the physical world.

You may have gotten signs, but weren't paying attention, or second guessed it...could have been a song on the radio, lights flicker, electrical appliances that can be manipulated by energetic sources.

Dreams are not always easy for contact...most times we are relaxed enough to enter certain beta or Delta waves...and if your loved one is available, and on that same wavelength energetically...then they can give you messages, signs, visitations, ECT.

Theoretically, they could be trying to contact you but it's a hit or miss...because of frequencies. Kind of like meeting in the taking the train, and your loved one taking a plane...

There's many other factors that play into this...your mental/emotional state( which is all energy) the density of the atmosphere on Earth, as well as the weather or climate through out the 24 hr earth cycle.... I can explain this later.

There's alot of things to learn, and getting messages and stuff off that nature...really you have to listen to your thoughts/feelings when certain things happen, such as events,
random occurrence s, music, encounters ECT.

We spend our lifetime, believing that the dead, spirits, God, ECT...can perform miracles of all kinds...but usually it's energetically, through wavelengths...either by people, animals, appliances, events, nature and synchronicity...which is all orchestrated or controlled by the energy of each, itself.
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