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Old 16-12-2011, 07:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Greetings MythicalReviver:

Merry do we meet and well met we are (indeed).

I answered a very similar post--just recently--where the person was seeing double numbers.

IMO--you are receiving messages in the form of numbers--so (now) it falls to you to investigate and research (in order to divine their meaning).

Numerology would be a great place to start.

The Number One--signifies new beginnings.

The Number Two--unity.

The Number Three--success.

The Number Eleven--is a Master Number that is never to be reduced (when adding numbers to a single digit sum)--it means Ordination.

This is a good sign--as They are assuring you that all that is currently happening is meant to be and will eventually guide you to the next chapter of your life's journey.

However--you should avoid taking my word (or anyone else's) for it and do the work (yourself). You will be guided to everything you need--all you have to do is start looking.

Peace and Love on your path to discovering the Mysteries...

Blessed be...
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