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Old 17-10-2017, 05:29 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by iamthat
I want to know that what is karma. Does it really exist?? If it does, how it works...

There are two other questions implied. Firstly, is reincarnation a fact? Secondly, is there a purpose to it all?

If reincarnation is a fact and we take on different bodies for the purpose of learning and growth, then the idea of karma makes perfect sense.

If reincarnation is not a fact then all idea of karma and purpose becomes meaningless. People do what they do, they die, and that is the end of it.

So for me, the idea of reincarnation, karma and purpose is the best explanation of why we are here. We all get what we deserve or what we need, and everything is fair.

If we were learning to play the piano, we would not expect to become a master of the piano in one lesson. So we have regular lessons and in the end we become proficient at playing the piano. It is the same with life in different bodies.

All I would add about karma is that the idea of karma as reward and punishment is somewhat simplistic. I prefer to consider karma as the tendency to balance. Where we are out of balance, karma acts to restore the balance. Which is why (for those with an interest in astrology) karma is considered to be ruled by the sign of Libra, the scales.


Kamma, as described in Buddhist texts, more appied\s to the concept of 'rebirth', which is different to 'reincarnation'. Simply speaking 'rebirth' regards each moment arising upon the complete annihilation of the previous. 'Reincarnation' regards 'whole lives' be they in the physical or on another dimensional plane.

Balance is the non-volitional. All volitions disrupt balance to a lesser of greater degree. Hencewhy the meditation is pure awareness or pure observation, which is non-volitional - choiceless observation.

When the volition ceases like this, the potentials created by the volitions of the past still have to arise to conscious awareness, but they can pass freely, without the stickiness of aversions and desires - resistance, avoidance, clinging craving etc. As the volition has ceased, one ceases to create the potential for further manifest, and the old potentials continue to arise momentarily and pass away. Eventually all the potentials manifest and they expire altogether - and one is utterly diffused... for want of a better word.
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world ~ Buddha
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