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Old 23-12-2017, 01:39 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by Ab Origine
Hi Folks...

Sky; Yer its not like a "hard and fast rule" - but Id say for sure there is a base truth there regarding the physical expression..

I do know some rather PHYSICALLY gorgeous women actually - who turn out be a real nasty piece of work once you get to know them, emotionally and mentally speaking.. And of couese same for the guys -good looking guys, charismatic - but underneath, selfish, nasty, conceited, arrogant......

I find that THESE types are usually a lot more clued up about them Self and their natural "talents" and are consciously putting on that "nice front"...These types can be more dangerous to our development, as simply we assume from their appearance that they will be acceptable, compatable (surface understanding) and so we let them get close , lower our defences tot hem, but when we go deeper into the relationship we are in for a nasty shock and rude awakening to their truth..

MOSTLY though - this energetic reflection onto the body is entirely subconscious, un noticed by the individual...It is VERY REAL though I find and the body demeanour ALWAYS follows the Minds intent...For instance - can you not just look at a man, and know for sure if he is gay, for example..?...Or a woman in your case..?... or Do you not for instance - notice a distinct similarity between paedophiles..?... or among violent people.??..

I find my Self that I CAN indeed spot such things EASILY - a definite energetic aura is given off, that really does begin to affect the physical form.... Same of course when people tell lies - its all about the eyes Folks...

Evil - in truth is merely a PERSPECTIVE OF SELF.... There is no "source of evil" NONE AT ALL - but - the perspective of Self HERE in this mortal situation, can indeed make us "to become evil".. Of course individually, they will not se the Self AS evil - they will think it all perfectly acceptable and normal - but to those around, THEY will make the judgement that this is "evil"..

Some things that we can nearly all agree on ARE EVIL - such as indeed paedophilia I mention above = we may not know a cause or a reason, but we see the action, and can judge that accordingly...There IS EVIL here in this world - blatantly so - and I would say for sure that once we have become exposed to it enough, know and understand it, then we begin to simply recognise it, even BEFORE it acts to show its nature...

Evil..... I still don't think anyone is evil, nobody is born evil. What I do see it that actions can be classed as ' evil ' but not the person. Just my opinion though...
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