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Old 03-02-2019, 04:19 PM
pseudonymus pseudonymus is offline
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Originally Posted by GoldenEmbers
I have made many posts regarding the subject of signs. Lately I have been seeing a whole bunch of them, but to be honest, I'm not exactly sure that they are real. What I mean by real is genuine or legitimate.(Not saying that other's experiences with signs are not real, but I'm talking about my own)

Asking and looking for signs and omens is ancient and universal to the human race. The practice is found in every race and culture. I do it all the time.

A sign and an omen are two different things, in most cultures. A "sign" is when you ask the gods, God, the Universe, Providence for an indication of some sort: "If I will get this new job, please let me see a blue flower."

An "omen" on the other hand is when the universe or God or whatever gives you an indication of an event without you asking for it. It's like a "heads up." Like in my culture for instance, seeing an owl is an omen of potential accident and danger, and so you know to be careful.

Asking and looking for signs overlaps the Law of Expectation. The Law of Expectation is when you have the Intent and Expectation to have or see or observe or witness something, and you will eventually get what you expect.

For example, the number 352 is significant to me, and by the Law of Expectation, I see that number coincidently everywhere, on the license plate of cars, spray painted on walls, one-third the time when I check my phone its 3:52 PM, and so on.

Signs and Expectation, work like how Pendulum Dowsing works. In Pendulum dowsing, of even L-Rod dowsing, you most often would use it to locate water, look for items, and so on. But those toold can als be used to answer questions. It's the same tool, but used differently with different results.

In a relationship with between your Mind and the Universe, asking for signs and experiencing what you expect is the same "tool," the same "feedback" loop happening between the two vectors of your Mind and the Cosmos. It's how that tool is used. If you deliberately ask for a specific sign for a specific purpose, then it is a "legitimate" sign.
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