Thread: Sacred Land
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:54 PM
silent whisper
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Sacred Land

Awaken spirits
mother earth calls your name
feel her rhythym, her endless pain
in her core she cries out to reach
feel in her, the space she seeks
Seeks to bring the world as one
her endless call will not be done...
her heart beats strong, hear her humm
in waves she calls, she ripples out
into the world, there is no doubt
she feels our pain, she knows our name
Hear her call to end the shame
Listen deeply, you will not stall
stall your path as she calls
she moves the mountains
she lets out her pain
listen to her, know her name
I am Mother Earth
I am always worth
for you to hear
for you to care
be gentle
do not tear
Tear apart my precious lands
Protect my heart
my soul my hands..
wrap me gently
as one with you
take care of me
and I will renew
I will awaken
with each new day
enriched with love
from all you gave... shaman healing energy in ayahuasca vision
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