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Old 29-03-2020, 03:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi emmie2309,

Just going to say,don't over think things.

Nor buy into soul mates and twin flames etc,this is just fantasy lovey dovey stuff,that will only lead to more pain and suffering.

The fact of the matter,we have people who come into our lives and people who cross our paths,
they come forth to teach us something.

Soul mates,twin flames etc,i call them 'undies','brief' lessons,then onto the next lesson.

The fact that you admire this guy,is just mirroring the qualities within yourself.

And what makes us uncomfortable,in your case you state 'I am scared to be around him again',

is a lesson for things you have to over come ie:fears,situations etc etc.

Just go with the flow and take it within your stride.

Breathe those emotions that come up for air,through your stomach until they lose there intensity and dissipate.

You'll also make life easier on yourself by losing the attachment to the notion of wanting or needing someone in your life.

Such as this guy.

The pain your experiencing is from 'attachment'.

Focus on yourself,the rest will follow.

Everything happens for good reason.

Sending best wishes,

Take care.
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