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Old 22-11-2011, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by SpiritCarrier
Sangress while I am no expert on this matter your questions do deserve a reply. I believe that every sort of person/energy has the capacity for empathy and free will, which means that an energy vampire can choose to do what is right. In a case such as this it would be a daily struggle and one that would require constant battle. However just as many struggle with some other problem it can be a winning battle. I believe I have met one such person and I give her a great deal of respect because she has true talent and ability and she chooses not to abuse her gifts for her selfish needs. She takes only what she needs and helps the person in some way in the process. I can't say that I have always been so noble in all my dealings and maybe she hasn't either but the fact that she tries, as do I, gives me great respect for her.

As to where such ones fit into the grand scheme of things, to be honest I don't know. But in all fairness I don't know where I fit in either. I think the type of energy vampire you and I speak of here is rare and maybe that is why most people have such a strong reaction to the term as well as the being. I will say again that I have the deepest respect for someone who will fight their natural instinct in order to do the right thing. It is in my opinion the hardest and loniest journey but I would think also the most rewarding at the end of the day.

May you have peace
Blessed Be

Intentional vampirism doesn't seem like a natural thing to do. The reason for this is because when a being gets really low on energy, they become like a dry sponge and naturally absorb energy from their surroundings. A good thing to do when you're feeling low is to get out in nature, go hiking, or go for a drive on the highway with the windows rolled down. I find nature has a nice positive energy. Certainly better than the energy you'd have in your home when being assaulted by these things.

When it comes to "loving" vampires, I don't know what to think. An honest being would have to ask for your permission but you have to wonder why they would want to take the energy in the first place without sharing their own. I've felt the effect of taking energy from a spirit, and it feels almost like a drug. It's very intense, energizing, and your sense of of being feels heightened.
It isn't quite like drug a addiction, because it isn't detrimental. It makes you stronger. The more energy you have, the more your your psychic abilities are enhanced. It is more or less like an addiction to power.
Many of the more weak psychic vampires either have extreme energy leaks, have stayed in a low area for too long, or they're most likely being siphoned by another being/controlled to gather energy for the other being.

A being might be honest with what they are doing, but a vampire would typically rather have you kept in the dark as to what is going on. You're easier to control this way, and will be easier to dominate and kept as a host.

Certain types of emotional energy can aid in control as well. Fearing someone or feeling lust for them puts you in a spiritually submissive state.
Speaking of which, this is why "astral love-making" can be dangerous. It can be very intense and blissful, but please pay attention when you are experiencing it. Astral love-making should take a tantric form, which means you should be uniting your energy field and mutually bonding. There should be no energy leak if done properly, and will last indefinitely.
If you have an "astral lover", test them by analyzing the energy flow. You'll feel a slight pull going toward them if you pay attention (it's hard to describe). This means they're taking energy rather than sharing.
Sensing their emotions instead can be deceiving because you'll be able to sense that they're feeling intense bliss as's not mutual, because they're provoking the energy within you which is getting absorbed by them.

What about the vampiric spirits who are unable to take energy from the Source? What about the vampiric spirits who become ill and unbalanced because of positive (white/pure) energy?

Inability to take energy from the Source is due to the crown being closed. The reasons for it being closed may vary, but it causes the same effects within a being.
The more open their crown, the more they feel connected and empathetic toward everything around them. It creates more capacity for feeling love and compassion. With the crown shut, they feel isolated and separate from everyone else. Compassion is hard to feel when you can't connect and empathize with another being.
This is the difference between an empath and sociopath, and is why sociopaths have a hard time being selfless, and empaths have a hard time being selfish.

Various kinds of prana can still be absorbed in other environments, but the prana is either neutral, detrimental, or healing...and commonly bland from the perspective of a psychic vampire. Humans have concentrated prana within their bodies and can give it an energetic flavor that the vampire enjoys.

The vampires don't become ill from being exposed to positive energy. Positive energy disagrees with what they already have, so they reject it. Energetic chemistry has to work with any spiritually communion or transfer. The vampires will often reject certain ideals that will dis-empower them, such as being compassionate toward others. Since it involves being less self-empowering, they regard compassionate behavior as weakness. They also see it as being weak because selfish beings like themselves can take advantage of it.

What about the negative/vampiric spirits who are also aware of the affect they have on others and have empathy and deep soul connections to their hosts like any other spirit.....etc?

I am being unbiased when I say that this is almost illogical because of why vampirism is done in the first place.
These "connections" you speak of only occur in a mutual relationship. What vampires do is attach....they don't actually connect with a person.

There are other sources of energy, and energy doesn't simply disappear when a vampire consumes it. They're either empowering themselves, being dominated by another being, or have been leaking energy without regaining it. The last two problems will not be solved by giving them more.
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