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Old 23-11-2019, 04:03 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,194
Hello Sunshine
Just having a mirror overlooking and opposite the hexer - again you'd have to know where the hexer is. And if you're trying to send the curse back with this method be very sure of what protection the hexer has around them otherwise you could end up with a second whammy of negative **** coming back at you. And you should definitely use 6 mirrors on a box - if you use only one you would be leaving the other five sides of the box open for attack. You seem to think that anyone casting a curse is a sick in the head evil person when this is without a doubt not true. Most witches, root workers, conjurers feel that to not curse is more harmful in certain cases. If, for instance, a child molester is running amok and the police haven't caught that person then a good curse could stop them in their tracks. And why should a person not be able to protect themselves or their families.
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