Thread: Flash of Light
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Old 07-05-2018, 06:06 PM
Tomma Tomma is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 380
Originally Posted by Lolly
I wasn't sure where to put this.....

I was washing the pots in the sink yesterday afternoon when I saw a bright flash like a camera flash that lasted a split second if that and I carried on washing up like it was normal to see things like that, but it isn't normal for me.

The light was brighter than any light I've ever seen but it wasn't white, it was 'silver.' Has anybody experienced anything like that? The view out of the kitchen window is of hills and fields.

Many years ago my then-boyfriend and I were enjoying a passionate time in the bedroom when suddenly there was a loud clapping sound and a flash of white-yellowish light over the bed, basically above us. It was about 4 or 5 feet above us. We both saw and heard it, and were of course very stunned. It never happened again and I never found out what it was. There were no lamps or other electrical equipment near where it happened.

It's nice to find there are other people who've had similar experiences! So mysterious isn't it?
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