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Old 06-05-2016, 02:14 AM
seachild seachild is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 298
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Hi Rainmaker

I met my Twin July 23rd/24th online. We officially met in person August 13 2010. I loved the year 2010.

In the beginning it was magic, never felt that instant connection, love ever before. He recently broke up with someone else who he felt wasn't right for him at the time. He even agreed with something I told him via text, I said I feel like I have known you before, and he agreed by replying back he was thinking the same. Within a couple of weeks of us physically meeting, I felt so much love for him, I told him I love you, he said it back. He wanted me to tell him again and again. We were seeing each other day and night and then we moved in together October 2010. Then seeing the ups and downs of our relationship begin, I became needy, clingy. I started to feel unworthy of his love. Then 2011 came he got in contact with his ex gf, they started communicating again, he would talk for hours with her, we had few break ups during that year and got back. Until March 2012 he broke it off, as he moved south for ajob. That year we kept seeing each other, however he was adamant as friends only. We were sexual when we got together. I believed in my heart we were still together. I always had him on my mind, and felt the separation when I returned home. In January 2014, we had a big fight New Years Day, he just kept ignoring me, and I stood up to him and drove to the nearest motel, as I had alcohol in my system I couldn't drive another 2 hours home. So we got back in contact mid February, and saw each other again March (my bday month). Everytime we would be separate from each other, I would get irritable, anxious. I don't think he felt that way as I do, or maybe he did but didn't vent it? We officially got back together May 2014 and we are still together. I appreciate him a lot, I love him a lot too. I cannot see life without him.

I have learned a lot in this relationship, not to get clingy or needy. Give him space. Working on my limiting beliefs too. I just get baffled as to why we cannot communicate well together, like I yearn for long deep and meaningful chats. I did get very envious when he communicated so much with his ex, they would chat for hours. Not me so much, ugh.
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