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Old 02-12-2018, 05:37 AM
Convolution Convolution is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 100
Originally Posted by Dan_SF
The understanding of the below comes when ones see and recognize the difference between Knowing and Memory.

Well, the body was not created (directly) by the eternal. Knowledge is eternal, material body is not.
The memory, to which Alzheimer describes the loss, is not really knowledge. Because memory can change and can be changed, even willingly.
So it is not eternal.

Knowledge, on the other hand is eternal, because it can not change, and it is always NOW and it is always True.

Memory needs time, because one need to 'recall' some past events in the Now and to use Judgement to compare what was past with what is now.
And by doing this is not knowledge but one's own personal opinion.

Humans utilize memory to be able to see, but Spirit, on the other hand, knows only.

The best explanation of Alzheimer is not the 'sickness' but the return to the state, in which Spirit is.

Are you implying that in spirit form we will not remember not have sense of our individual nature with conscious volition? I'm not sure what going back to spirit is means.
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