Thread: Where was I
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Old 12-11-2015, 02:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Mark83
I Had a NDE a few years ago i fell in a pool hit my head at the bottom of the pool and i was out of my body and i could see my friends pulling me out of the pool and doing CPR all of a sudden i was in a dark place and it was cold and i was alone i was there for only about few minutes than i heard the voices of my friends and i was back in my body

I had an NDE some years back when faced with a serious illness. At the time, I was making a choice about whether to stay or let things take their course. In the vision, I was on a bridge...and behind me was this 'darkness' and ahead of me was this brilliant Light and in the Light every molecule was filled with Love (an incredibly awesome feeling) and I slowly became aware that there was an Entity in the light that was personally aware of me and felt great Love for me. From the darkness behind me, I heard cries for help, sorrow and a 'sense' of reaching out for the Light. Many people have told me that this was Hell or Purgatory. I personally do not know for sure.

What I've wondered is if it is an "in-between" state...and because it happened so fast for you, there wasn't enough time for the Light to reach out to you and show you the way.

As a result...I pray for those 'caught' in that place that they are lifted up into the Light...

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