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Old 02-02-2019, 12:52 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Originally Posted by EdmundJohnstone

While I was surfing the web I encountered an article stating that "A DMT trip 'feels like dying' - and scientists now agree" (see BBC for source) . Stating that basically NDEs are brain hallucinations as it is trying to survive and is lacking oxygen. People who experienced DMT claimed similar feelings to NDEs such as "My body just didn't seem relevant any more" or that a Christian might see Jesus that says it is not their time, based on the subconscious, an atheist might not experience anything, and a person who misses his or her family might see some of them also based on the subconscious as it was induced. Seems that scientists are now skeptic about NDEs and Raymond Moody's work since they found this DMT effect.

This made me wonder, are NDEs really a byproduct of DMT ( N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, chemical in brain) kicking in as the brain is desperate for survival? What do you think? Are DMT and NDE related? How can we know that NDEs are real and not hallucinations of the brain, in the sense that they can prove an afterlife, another dimension, and not just a byproduct of DMT?

That's exactly what I used to think it was.

But, if these experiences were DMT hallucinations, then why do they usually follow certain patterns?
If, for instance, other drug-induced hallucinations are examined for content, we'd find that they contain just about anything and everything imaginable, and don't follow any particular "shape" or pattern.

Okay, that possibly could be explained by the increasing attenton NDEs have received, particularly over the last few years.
It could be said that there is a certain subconscious programming going on, as people hear these accounts and could replicate them...

But how do some of the experiences report observation of certain life events, which are completely outside of the ability for normal auditory/visual perception?

For example, there have been cases of people in NDEs who report an out-of-body experience, and an ability to see who and what is in the next room, or in a room further down the corridor....through a wall or multiple walls! And report what they overheard them talk about. And what they reported has been verified.

What about the woman who had an NDE after a heart attack, and saw an abandoned sneaker which was lodged high up on a ledge of the hospital building, not visible from any vantage point she could have reached in her condition? After she mentioned seeing it during her out-of-body /near death incident, staff went to check, and sure enough, there was the sneaker.

A pure hallucination could not come up with results like that, surely?
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