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Old 30-03-2017, 08:46 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 527
Hi Aquamarine,
I'm right there with you. Welcome to being an empath. I don't love the label, however researching the topic has shed light on all of these issues. I've personally been aware I'm an empath just about 2 years and while it hasn't been easy, it does get better. Meditating helps for me, as well as saging myself and home almost every day. It brings me back to being my normal happy self. There are also crystals you can wear or carry in your pocket to help dispel negative energy from others. I agree with you 100%, this world is filled with some pretty miserable and lost people. It deeply saddens me if I let it. They seem to be attracted to people like us, feeding off our energy if we let them. We can't let it happen anymore, and setting boundaries is so important. On here and another forum I've posted about some personal struggles I've had and everyone's response is "learn to say no"! For the most part, if you set boundaries people have no choice but to respect them. We can't save the world, that's the reality. But we can shine bright in hopes of inspiring and lifting others....only to the extent we are comfortable with! Then, run home and sage yourself..haha!
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