Thread: ouija board..
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Old 19-03-2011, 02:15 PM
Posts: n/a
A ouija board (actually ANY divination system!) may open some up to unwanted intrusion by trickster spirits up to no good. Others may have no problem with that. I think a lot of it has to do with your belief system and what you think is possible. I know some who have had frightening experiences with ouija boards, but generally speaking they were people with a strong component of fear or negativity in their own energy body. I've also known people who have used this divination (and other similar ones) for years and years with only high spiritual messages coming through and no ill or negative effects. It would seem it is an entirely individual thing, and that no one has a definitive answer on the value of such tools. I think the important thing to remember is that they are exactly that... tools! Weigh and measure within what you receive from and through them and let that be your guide in determining the value of the information. It goes without saying that if you feel any sense of foreboding,
fear, darkness or negativity, you should heed that warning and walk away. Having said that, I do, as I said, know of individuals who have used this method of spiritual communication for years with only positive and uplifting information coming through and nothing even vaguely negative in their experience. To each his or her own!
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