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Old 18-05-2017, 06:54 PM
Clio_86 Clio_86 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 661
Originally Posted by angelic star
In hindu culture it is believed that animals do not have any karma, they are just here to experience and that there is no cause or effect for them, if that makes sense. Humans are known to have karma instead and astrology is based on complex human profiles, since humans have complex nervous system. I have never met anyone doing an astrological profile on a pet.

Interesting. I don't know that much about astrology, just saw a webpage about pets and sun signs and found it intriguing. I have heard mediums speak of people who had past lives as animals before, so how would that fit into the idea that animals have no karma? Interesting. Also, if people assign astrological profiles to cities, countries, etc., why would animals not be effected?
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