Thread: cooling foods ?
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Old 27-04-2012, 12:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Sweet, bitter and astringent foods are considered cooling and slow down digestion, except honey which is heating. Milk is cooling and generally anything else that coats the inside of the mouth, although yoghurt should be fresh and diluted. Sunflower oil, wheat, apples, coconut, coriander/cilantro and fennel are all cooling. Avoid black pepper, turmeric, cardamon, ginger, clove, cumin, cinnamon and nutmeg, fish, sesame oil, onions, eggs, meat and chilli. If I knew your dosha(s) I could give you a more comprehensive list, but these are the ones I know for sure. Foods that pacify all doshas (good foods) are apple sauce, sweet apricots, berries, cherries, asparagus, cooked carrots and cauliflower, green beans, summer squash, fruit juice concentrates, aloe vera juice, grape juice, mango juice and chamomile tea. I've got lots of books on this and am happy to help you more if you'd like.
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